Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Allegory of The Cave Summery

         The passage "The Allegory of The Cave of The Republic book VII,"narrates a discussion between Socrates and his fellow scholar Glaucon. In the passage the idea of righteousness is the point of focus, when Socrates discusses the justice among prisoner whom are ignorant due to their limited amount of knowledge from the world.He focus the idea of ignorance by giving his partner a set of examples which gives him a chance to show his level of understanding. A prisoner escape from the cave and saw that the real world. However the prisoner refuse to accept the truth about the real world. For being in the cave the prisoner was not use to the outside light and began looking at things as allusions. This passage is about how someone cannot accept the truth even though they are wrong of what they know.   

1 comment:

  1. i can understand the main idear fully, but i think the supporting details are not fully, and you did not explain how the prisoners were living in cave. Anyway i think it's good that you wrote down in the your own words.
